AWS Lambda: Encrypted environment variables
Continuing on from my post showing how to create a ‘Hello World’ AWS lambda function I wanted to pass encrypted environment variables to my function.
The following function takes in both an encrypted and unencrypted variable and prints them out.
Don’t print out encrypted variables in a real function, this is just so we can see the example working!
import boto3 import os from base64 import b64decode def lambda_handler(event, context): encrypted = os.environ['ENCRYPTED_VALUE'] decrypted = boto3.client('kms').decrypt(CiphertextBlob=b64decode(encrypted))['Plaintext'] # Don't print out your decrypted value in a real function! This is just to show how it works. print("Decrypted value:", decrypted) plain_text = os.environ["PLAIN_TEXT_VALUE"] print("Plain text:", plain_text)
Now we’ll zip up our function into, ready to send to AWS.
Now it’s time to upload our function to AWS and create the associated environment variables.
If you’re using a Python editor then you’ll need to install boto3 locally to keep the editor happy but you don’t need to include boto3 in the code you send to AWS Lambda – it comes pre-installed.
Now we write the following code to automate the creation of our Lambda function:
import boto3 from base64 import b64encode fn_name = "HelloWorldEncrypted" kms_key = "arn:aws:kms:[aws-zone]:[your-aws-id]:key/[your-kms-key-id]" fn_role = 'arn:aws:iam::[your-aws-id]:role/lambda_basic_execution' lambda_client = boto3.client('lambda') kms_client = boto3.client('kms') encrypt_me = "abcdefg" encrypted = b64encode(kms_client.encrypt(Plaintext=encrypt_me, KeyId=kms_key)["CiphertextBlob"]) plain_text = 'hijklmno' lambda_client.create_function( FunctionName=fn_name, Runtime='python2.7', Role=fn_role, Handler="{0}.lambda_handler".format(fn_name), Code={ 'ZipFile': open("{0}.zip".format(fn_name), 'rb').read(),}, Environment={ 'Variables': { 'ENCRYPTED_VALUE': encrypted, 'PLAIN_TEXT_VALUE': plain_text, } }, KMSKeyArn=kms_key )
The tricky bit for me here was figuring out that I needed to pass the value that I wanted to base 64 encode the output of the value encrypted by the KMS client. The KMS client relies on a KMS key that we need to setup. We can see a list of all our KMS keys by running the following command:
$ aws kms list-keys
The format of these keys is arn:aws:kms:[zone]:[account-id]:key/[key-id].
Now let’s try executing our Lambda function from the AWS console:
$ python
Let’s check it got created:
$ aws lambda list-functions --query "Functions[*].FunctionName" [ "HelloWorldEncrypted", ]
And now let’s execute the function:
$ aws lambda invoke --function-name HelloWorldEncrypted --invocation-type RequestResponse --log-type Tail /tmp/out | jq ".LogResult" "U1RBUlQgUmVxdWVzdElkOiA5YmNlM2E1MC0xODMwLTExZTctYjFlNi1hZjQxZDYzMzYxZDkgVmVyc2lvbjogJExBVEVTVAooJ0RlY3J5cHRlZCB2YWx1ZTonLCAnYWJjZGVmZycpCignUGxhaW4gdGV4dDonLCAnaGlqa2xtbm8nKQpFTkQgUmVxdWVzdElkOiA5YmNlM2E1MC0xODMwLTExZTctYjFlNi1hZjQxZDYzMzYxZDkKUkVQT1JUIFJlcXVlc3RJZDogOWJjZTNhNTAtMTgzMC0xMWU3LWIxZTYtYWY0MWQ2MzM2MWQ5CUR1cmF0aW9uOiAzNjAuMDQgbXMJQmlsbGVkIER1cmF0aW9uOiA0MDAgbXMgCU1lbW9yeSBTaXplOiAxMjggTUIJTWF4IE1lbW9yeSBVc2VkOiAyNCBNQgkK"
That’s a bit hard to read, some decoding is needed:
$ echo "U1RBUlQgUmVxdWVzdElkOiA5YmNlM2E1MC0xODMwLTExZTctYjFlNi1hZjQxZDYzMzYxZDkgVmVyc2lvbjogJExBVEVTVAooJ0RlY3J5cHRlZCB2YWx1ZTonLCAnYWJjZGVmZycpCignUGxhaW4gdGV4dDonLCAnaGlqa2xtbm8nKQpFTkQgUmVxdWVzdElkOiA5YmNlM2E1MC0xODMwLTExZTctYjFlNi1hZjQxZDYzMzYxZDkKUkVQT1JUIFJlcXVlc3RJZDogOWJjZTNhNTAtMTgzMC0xMWU3LWIxZTYtYWY0MWQ2MzM2MWQ5CUR1cmF0aW9uOiAzNjAuMDQgbXMJQmlsbGVkIER1cmF0aW9uOiA0MDAgbXMgCU1lbW9yeSBTaXplOiAxMjggTUIJTWF4IE1lbW9yeSBVc2VkOiAyNCBNQgkK" | base64 --decode START RequestId: 9bce3a50-1830-11e7-b1e6-af41d63361d9 Version: $LATEST ('Decrypted value:', 'abcdefg') ('Plain text:', 'hijklmno') END RequestId: 9bce3a50-1830-11e7-b1e6-af41d63361d9 REPORT RequestId: 9bce3a50-1830-11e7-b1e6-af41d63361d9 Duration: 360.04 ms Billed Duration: 400 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 24 MB
And it worked, hoorah!
Reference: | AWS Lambda: Encrypted environment variables from our WCG partner Mark Needham at the Mark Needham Blog blog. |