Loading and analysing Strava runs using PostgreSQL JSON data type
In my last post I showed how to map Strava runs using data that I’d extracted from their /activities API, but the API returns a lot of other data that I discarded because I wasn’t sure what I should keep.
The API returns a nested JSON structure so the easiest solution would be to save each run as an individual file but I’ve always wanted to try out PostgreSQL’s JSON data type and this seemed like a good opportunity.
Creating a JSON ready PostgreSQL table
First up we need to create a database in which we’ll store our Strava data. Let’s name it appropriately:
Now we can now create a table with one field with the JSON data type:
Easy enough. Now we’re ready to populate the table.
Importing Strava API
We can partially reuse the script from the last post except rather than saving to CSV file we’ll save to PostgreSQL using the psycopg2 library.
The script relies on a TOKEN environment variable. If you want to try this on your own Strava account you’ll need to create an application, which will give you a key.
import requests import os import json import psycopg2 token = os.environ["TOKEN"] headers = {'Authorization': "Bearer {0}".format(token)} with psycopg2.connect("dbname=strava user=markneedham") as conn: with conn.cursor() as cur: page = 1 while True: r = requests.get("https://www.strava.com/api/v3/athlete/activities?page={0}".format(page), headers = headers) response = r.json() if len(response) == 0: break else: for activity in response: r = requests.get("https://www.strava.com/api/v3/activities/{0}?include_all_efforts=true".format(activity["id"]), headers = headers) json_response = r.json() cur.execute("INSERT INTO runs (id, data) VALUES(%s, %s)", (activity["id"], json.dumps(json_response))) conn.commit() page += 1
Querying Strava
We can now write some queries against our newly imported data.
My quickest runs
SELECT id, data->>'start_date' AS start_date, (data->>'average_speed')::FLOAT AS speed FROM runs ORDER BY speed DESC LIMIT 5 id | start_date | speed -----------+----------------------+------- 649253963 | 2016-07-22T05:18:37Z | 3.736 914796614 | 2017-03-26T08:37:56Z | 3.614 653703601 | 2016-07-26T05:25:07Z | 3.606 548540883 | 2016-04-17T18:18:05Z | 3.604 665006485 | 2016-08-05T04:11:21Z | 3.604 (5 ROWS)
My longest runs
SELECT id, data->>'start_date' AS start_date, (data->>'distance')::FLOAT AS distance FROM runs ORDER BY distance DESC LIMIT 5 id | start_date | distance -----------+----------------------+---------- 840246999 | 2017-01-22T10:20:33Z | 10764.1 461124609 | 2016-01-02T08:42:47Z | 10457.9 467634177 | 2016-01-10T18:48:47Z | 10434.5 471467618 | 2016-01-16T12:33:28Z | 10359.3 540811705 | 2016-04-10T07:26:55Z | 9651.6 (5 ROWS)
Runs this year
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM runs WHERE data->>'start_date' >= '2017-01-01 00:00:00' COUNT ------- 62 (1 ROW)
Runs per year
SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM to_date(data->>'start_date', 'YYYY-mm-dd')) AS YEAR, COUNT(*) FROM runs GROUP BY YEAR ORDER BY YEAR YEAR | COUNT ------+------- 2014 | 18 2015 | 139 2016 | 166 2017 | 62 (4 ROWS)
That’s all for now. Next I’m going to learn how to query segments, which are stored inside a nested array inside the JSON document. Stay tuned for that in a future post.
Reference: | Loading and analysing Strava runs using PostgreSQL JSON data type from our WCG partner Mark Needham at the Mark Needham Blog blog. |