Working with JSON in Scala.js
Working with JSON is almost inevitable regardless of the environment. In this post, we will go through different ways of serializing/deserializing (or encoding/decoding as some may call it) objects from/to JSON in Scala.js. As of the date this post is written, there are three main tools that convert objects to/from JSON:
- uPickle
- Circe
- scalajs-dom (using JSON.stringify() and parse())
We will use the following object for all the examples for uPickle and Circe:
case class Car(id: String, brand: String, model: String) {}
using scalajs-dom requires a slight modification to the object as only js.Object
is allowed
class Car extends js.Object { var id: String = _ var brand: String = _ var model: String = _ }
- uPickle:
Using uPickle, it is enough to create an object that configures the types to be read/written :
import upickle.default.{ReadWriter => RW, macroRW} object Car{ implicit def rw: RW[Car] = macroRW }
and then:
val mercedes = new Car("1", "Mercedes", "2015") val mercedesJSON = write[Car](mercedes) println(mercedesJSON) //result: {"id":"1","brand":"Mercedes","model":"2015"}
- Circe:
Circe requires the configuration of encoders/decoders:
import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder} import io.circe.generic.semiauto._ object Expense { implicit val carDecoder: Decoder[Car] = deriveDecoder implicit val carEncoder: Encoder[Car] = deriveEncoder }
and then:
import io.circe.syntax._ val mercedes = new Car("1", "Mercedes", "2015") val mercedesJSON = mercedes.asJson println(mercedes.asJson) //result is indented by default �� for making the output oneline : .asJson.noSpaces /* { "id": "1", "brand": "Mercedes", "model": "2015" } */
- scalajs-dom:
using scalajs-dom
requires the addition of scalacOptions += "-P:scalajs:sjsDefinedByDefault"
to the build file, since @ScalaJSDefined
is meant to be deprecated.
and then :
val mercedes = new Car() = "10" mercedes.model = "1980" mercedes.brand = "Mercedes" println(JSON.stringify(mercedes)) //result: {"id":"10","brand":"Mercedes","model":"1980"}
- uPickle:
val mercedesJSON = """{"id":"10","brand":"Mercedes","model":"1980"}""" val mercedes = read[Car](mercedesJSON) println( // 10 println(mercedes.model) // 1980 println(mercedes.brand) // Mercedes
- Circe:
val mercedesJSON = """{"id":"10","brand":"Mercedes","model":"1980"}""" val mercedes = decode[Car](mercedesJSON).toTry.get println( // 10 println(mercedes.model) // 1980 println(mercedes.brand) // Mercedes
- scalajs-dom:
val mercedesJSON = """{"id":"10","brand":"Mercedes","model":"1980"}""" val mercedes = JSON.parse(mercedesJSON).asInstanceOf[Car] println( // 10 println(mercedes.model) // 1980 println(mercedes.brand) // Mercedes
Wrap up
We have walked through different libraries that allow serializing/deserializing JSON in Scala.Js. All the methods work in pretty much the same way, so there is no preferred way. The choice is left to the developer.
Published on Web Code Geeks with permission by Zakaria Amine, partner at our WCG program. See the original article here: Working with JSON in Scala.js Opinions expressed by Web Code Geeks contributors are their own. |