Python humanize time-interval without Arrow or Humanize libraries
Sometimes when we need to debug functions in Python, we need a way to write some quick timer code to capture the time-delta and to compute the time it took for the function to execute. This article shows you a quick and easy way to humanize a time-interval/time-delta without bringing in additional dependencies or libraries like Arrow or Humanize.
1 | Elapsed Time: 2 Days, 5 Hours, 7 Minutes, 13 Seconds |

Sometimes when we need to debug functions in Python, we need a way to write some quick timer code to capture the time-delta and to compute the time it took for the function to execute. As an example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 | from datetime import datetime start = # Then call some long running code or function here end = diff = end - start print diff |
And this gives you:
1 2 | print diff 123 days, 16 : 48 : 22 |
Now the variable “diff” holds a value of type: timedelta (elapsed-time or time-interval in seconds) as shown with the Python type() function below:
1 2 | print type(diff) < class 'datetime.timedelta' > |
To get it formatted into a human-readable friendly format, you can bring in a library such as Arrow or Humanize. There is nothing wrong with these libraries. In fact, they are two great libraries that I use frequently. But sometimes, you just need to display the time-interval or time-delta in a human readable format without brining in an additional library into the mix to display “Elapsed Time” in a friendly format like this:
1 | Elapsed Time: 2 Days, 5 Hours, 7 Minutes, 13 Seconds |
The snippet below will get you the results you need:
1 2 3 4 5 | days = diff.days # Get Day hours,remainder = divmod(diff.seconds, 3600 ) # Get Hour minutes,seconds = divmod(remainder, 60 ) # Get Minute & Second print(f 'Elapsed Time: {days} Days, {hours} Hours, {minutes} Minutes, {seconds} Seconds.' ) |
Sample Output:
1 | Elapsed Time: 2 Days, 5 Hours, 7 Minutes, 13 Seconds |
Full Working Example:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 | from datetime import datetime start = # Then call some long running code or function here end = diff = end - start print type(diff) print diff days = diff.days # Get Day hours,remainder = divmod(diff.seconds, 3600 ) # Get Hour minutes,seconds = divmod(remainder, 60 ) # Get Minute & Second print(f’Elapsed Time: {days} Days, {hours} Hours, {minutes} Minutes, {seconds} Seconds.') |
The trick to this example/implementation is to use the divmod function in Python. The divmod() function in python takes two numbers and returns a pair of numbers (tuple) consisting of their quotient and remainder.
1 2 3 4 | divmod(x, y) x and y : x is numerator and y is denominator x and y must be non complex Returns tuple (quotient, remainder) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | Input: x = 9 , y = 3 Output: ( 3 , 0 ) # 3 is quotient, 0 is remainder Input: x = 16 , y = 3 Output:( 5 , 1 ) # 5 is quotient, 1 is remainder |
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Published on Web Code Geeks with permission by Venkatt Guhesan, partner at our WCG program. See the original article here: Python humanize time-interval without Arrow or Humanize libraries Opinions expressed by Web Code Geeks contributors are their own. |