Building Cross Model Search with Ember, Rails, Elasticsearch
With its accurate algorithms and autocomplete UI, Google has set the bar extremely high for web apps implementing custom search features. When a user searches your website, they don’t expect their query to only get results for one type of entity. For example, if you had a grocery store web app and someone searched for “banana,” the query results could include products, brands, and ingredients. The point is, search needs to be contextually aware in order to be intuitive.
In this two part series, we’ll use Rails and Elasticsearch to build an ecommerce store called Tember. Then in Part Two, we’ll look at the front-end consumption of our new cross model search API in Ember.js.
Booting Up Rails 5
As you may have heard, Rails 5 is introducing API-only web apps. Among other things, it slims down the middleware stack, which means less code per request. Leigh Halliday wrote an excellent post outlining how to start using Rails 5, so I won’t cover that material.
Let’s start by creating our app:
rails new tember --api --database=postgresql
Nothing surprising here; we create a new Rails app in API mode, and we want the DB to be Postgres. Next up, let’s start creating some models. We’re building an ecommerce web app named Tember which sells different types of wood. Tember will have vendors, products, product reviews, and review authors, so let’s fill up the model directory.
rails g model vendor name description rails g model product name description vendor:references rails g model review_author name bio rails g model review body review_author:references
With a rake db:create db:migrate
command, you will see all our models get their underlying tables.
Seed Your Database
It’s time to seed the database with our new models. I’ve included seed data for you to review because it’s valuable to see what we’ll be searching against.
/db/seeds.rb # make seeding easy by resetting the primary key sequence ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reset_pk_sequence!('vendors') Vendor.create(name: 'Oakmont Oaks', description: 'Oakmont provides choice oak from Orlando, Louisville, and Seattle') Vendor.create(name: 'Windy Reserve', description: 'Windy Reserve has provides an array of timber from all across the south east.') Vendor.create(name: 'Big Hill', description: 'Big Hill provides oak, northern ash, and pine from various regions of Canada.') ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reset_pk_sequence!('products') Product.create(id: 1, vendor_id: 1, name: 'Sturdy Oak', description: 'This oak grain is of the highest quality, leaving it extra sturdy.') Product.create(id: 2, vendor_id: 1, name: 'Flimsy Oak', description: 'This oak plank is super flimsy and make for easy chairs.') Product.create(id: 3, vendor_id: 1, name: 'Flexible Oak', description: 'This oak plank is flexible, it can be bent four times before snapping.') Product.create(id: 4, vendor_id: 2, name: 'Northern Ash Planks', description: 'These northern ash planks are good for building or burning.') Product.create(id: 5, vendor_id: 2, name: 'Aged Mahogany', description: 'This aged Mahogany makes for an excellent coffee table wood.') Product.create(id: 6, vendor_id: 2, name: 'Aged Cherry', description: 'No chair or table is made correctly without Cherry.') Product.create(id: 7, vendor_id: 3, name: 'Walnut Planks', description: 'These walnut planks make for a perfect deck.') Product.create(id: 8, vendor_id: 3, name: 'Rosewood Pick', description: 'This special pick of Rosewood is perfect for carving.') Product.create(id: 9, vendor_id: 3, name: 'Waterproof Teak', description: 'These teak planks allow for waterproof and sun proof outdoor wood.') ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reset_pk_sequence!('review_authors') ReviewAuthor.create(id: 1, name: 'George Washington', bio: 'George is the co-founder of the United States') ReviewAuthor.create(id: 2, name: 'Abe Lincoln', bio: 'Abe never told a lie.') ReviewAuthor.create(id: 3, name: 'Thomas Jefferson', bio: 'TJ was a furniture maker.') ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reset_pk_sequence!('reviews') Review.create(id: 1, product_id: 1, review_author_id: 1, body: 'The sturdy oak is a solid building material that will last.') Review.create(id: 2, product_id: 2, review_author_id: 1, body: 'The flimsy oak is a super flimsy and light material.') Review.create(id: 3, product_id: 3, review_author_id: 1, body: 'The flexible oak, not to be confused with flimsy, is flexible.') Review.create(id: 4, product_id: 4, review_author_id: 2, body: 'Northern ash planks from Windy Reserve are awesome!') Review.create(id: 5, product_id: 5, review_author_id: 2, body: 'The aged mahogany is high grain old stuff.') Review.create(id: 6, product_id: 6, review_author_id: 2, body: 'The cherry we bought from Windy Reserve was awesome!') Review.create(id: 7, product_id: 7, review_author_id: 3, body: 'Have you ever had walnut this solid? We built our deck out of it.') Review.create(id: 8, product_id: 8, review_author_id: 3, body: 'We found these rosewoods to be really light and tough.') Review.create(id: 9, product_id: 9, review_author_id: 3, body: 'If there ever was a better wood for the outdoors I have not seen it.')
We’ve created three vendors, nine products, nine reviews, and three authors. Now that we have data in the Postgres store, let’s start working with Elasticsearch, our search store.
Setting Up Elasticsearch
The engine and storage behind our search will be handled by a technology called Elasticsearch. If you’ve never used it, you’re in for a real treat. Here is Wikipedia’s overview of it:
“Elasticsearch can be used to search all kinds of documents. It provides scalable search, has near real-time search, and supports multi-tenancy. Elasticsearch is distributed, which means that indices can be divided into shards, and each shard can have zero or more replicas. Each node hosts one or more shards and acts as a coordinator to delegate operations to the correct shard(s). Rebalancing and routing are done automatically.”
Elasticsearch is not your only option when it comes to search. In fact, PostgreSQL can be used to create an effective search, but we expect our search feature to be heavily consumed, so we want to move the load away from the database layer.
The easiest way to install Elasticsearch is via Homebrew (sorry, Windows and Linux).
$ brew install elasticsearch
This will install Elasticsearch, which can then be started by this command (which I make an alias to):
$ elasticsearch --config=/usr/local/opt/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml
Add this to your /etc/.bash_profile
to make it as easy as es
alias es='elasticsearch --config=/usr/local/opt/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml'
After this command runs, Elasticsearch will be booted up and listening on port 9300. So far we have installed and booted up the Elasticsearch server. Let’s stop here for now and pick back up on Elasticsearch when we integrate Rails.
Using Toptal’s Chewy Gem to Integrate Rails and Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch has a few gems to make the integration with Rails easier; however, those gems leave quite a bit to be desired in terms of functionality. Toptal has created a gem to fill those voids called Chewy. Elasticsearch’s fundamental concept is building up indexes in order to query data. Toptal’s Chewy gem makes it easier to create the indexes, and it actually feels like a ‘Rails way’ solution.
Let’s install the gem:
gem install chewy bundle rails g chewy:install
The result of this will be a chewy.yml
file, which you won’t need to edit for local development. The only thing left now is to start building the index. Our Tember store will have one autocomplete search for the entire store; therefore, we will create one index named store
. If your web app has two search contexts, such as an invoice search and a user search, then you would create two indexes.
app/chewy/store_index.rb class StoreIndex < Chewy::Index end
Next up we need to add the types
of entities making up our index. In other words, what models will our index be responsible for searching against? These indexes inherit from the Chewy::Index
class, which has a DSL for defining the search structure:
class StoreIndex < Chewy::Index define_type Product.includes(:vendor) do field :name, :description # multiple fields without additional options field :vendor do field :name field :description # default data type is `string` end end end
As you can see, the first type
is mapping to the Product model. You might also notice we’re including the vendor
model here. This allows the index to dive into the actual relationships of the entity, giving our index a “contextual awareness.” Now we need to add the rest of our index types:
class StoreIndex < Chewy::Index define_type Product.includes(:vendor) do field :name, :description # multiple fields without additional options field :vendor do field :name field :description # default data type is `string` end end define_type Vendor.includes(:products) do field :name, :description field :products do field :name, :description end end define_type Review.includes(:review_author) do field :body field :review_author do field :name, :bio end end define_type ReviewAuthor.includes(:reviews) do field :name, :bio field :reviews do field :body end end end
Now that we have defined all of our searchable content in the Chewy index, we can insert the code responsible for updating the indexes in Elasticsearch. Each model will include one or many update_index
method calls. These callbacks run to push data from Postgres to Elasticsearch when the record saves:
class Vendor < ActiveRecord::Base # es indexes update_index('store#vendor') { self } # specifying index, type and back-reference # for updating after user save or destroy # associations has_many :products end
The string passed to update_index
represents <index_name>#<index_type>
. This will be added to each of our models in order to update the appropriate indexes when a record is saved. Let’s take a look at this in the console:
2.2.2 :005 >! Vendor Load (2.4ms) SELECT "vendors".* FROM "vendors" ORDER BY "vendors"."id" DESC LIMIT 1 (5.4ms) BEGIN (0.2ms) COMMIT (0.9ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "vendors" WHERE "vendors"."id" IN (3) Vendor Load (0.4ms) SELECT "vendors".* FROM "vendors" WHERE "vendors"."id" IN (3) Product Load (0.6ms) SELECT "products".* FROM "products" WHERE "products"."vendor_id" = 3 StoreIndex::Vendor Import (255.8ms) {:index=>1} => true
You will notice quite a few queries are being executed here. Normally only one SQL command would be run if you are updating one record. However, we have Chewy callbacks updating the vendor and its owned products, so you’re seeing more records pulled in. This activity can and should be pushed to a background worker like Sidekiq so as not to delay your application on each save.
At this point, we have data being pushed to Elasticsearch each time our searchable models are saved. Let’s look at how to interact with Elasticsearch indexes to run queries.
Querying Elasticsearch with the Chewy Gem
Last up is for us to jump in the console and see how new records can be searched against using our new StoreIndex
class. Earlier in this post, we updated the index for one vendor record. We need all the data to be synced with Elasticsearch; luckily, there is a rake task included with Chewy to import all data or “reset” the indexes:
$ rake chewy:reset Resetting StoreIndex Imported StoreIndex::Product for 0.21s, documents total: 9 Imported StoreIndex::Vendor for 0.04s, documents total: 3 Imported StoreIndex::Review for 0.04s, documents total: 9 Imported StoreIndex::ReviewAuthor for 0.04s, documents total: 3
In terms of record count, you can see we have a one-to-one match from the database to Elasticsearch. Each row in our database has been imported to Elasticsearch. Let’s open up the console and see how we can query this new Elasticsearch index:
rails c 2.2.2 :003 > StoreIndex.query(term: {name: 'oak'}) => #<StoreIndex::Query:0x007fdf0cf1ced8 @options={}, @_types=[], @_indexes=[StoreIndex], @criteria=#<Chewy::Query::Criteria:0x007fdf0cf1ceb0 @options={:query_mode=>:must, :filter_mode=>:and, :post_filter_mode=>:and}, @queries=[{:term=>{:name=>"oak"}}], @filters=[], @post_filters=[], @sort=[], @fields=[], @types=[], @scores=[], @request_options={}, @facets={}, @aggregations={}, @suggest={}, @script_fields={}>, @_request=nil, @_response=nil, @_results=nil, @_collection=nil>
We executed the query
method on our index class with a term of {name: ‘oak’}
. The return value is an instance of the class StoreIndex::Query
. It can be used in many ways, including aggregations, filtering, merging to other queries, and so forth. More information can be found in the gem’s readme on those various functions and their use cases.
Now that we have a search for the term ‘oak’, let’s load the records associated with this query.
2.2.2 :016 > StoreIndex.query(term: {name: 'oak'}).load.to_a StoreIndex Search (13.5ms) {:body=>{:query=>{:term=>{:name=>"oak"}}}, :index=>["store"], :type=>[]} Product Load (0.5ms) SELECT "products".* FROM "products" WHERE "products"."id" IN (1, 2, 3) => [#<Product id: 1, name: "Sturdy Oak", description: "This oak grain is of the highest quality, leaving ...", vendor_id: 1, created_at: "2015-11-21 15:28:26", updated_at: "2015-11-21 15:28:26">, #<Product id: 2, name: "Flimsy Oak", description: "This oak plank is super flimsy and make for easy c...", vendor_id: 1, created_at: "2015-11-21 15:28:27", updated_at: "2015-11-21 15:28:27">, #<Product id: 3, name: "Flexible Oak", description: "This oak plank is flexible, it can be bent four ti...", vendor_id: 1, created_at: "2015-11-21 15:28:27", updated_at: "2015-11-21 15:28:27">] 2.2.2 :017 >
We use the .load
method to fetch the actual database records associated with the Elasticsearch results, then we use .to_a
to push it into an array. There you have it. A search for the term ‘oak’ yields three records: two products and one vendor.
By now, you should have the ability to integrate Elasticsearch with a Rails 5 application. This gives you the ability to sync data between the two datastores, query the database, and return records across multiple models.
Elasticsearch is an extremely powerful search technology, and while I showed you how to set it up and pass data to it, there is much more to learn in order to optimize your Elasticsearch implementation. If you are making use of Elasticsearch, I highly recommend you take a dive into the analyzer and analysis APIs to dial in indexes.
This wraps up part one of our two-part series. Next up, we’ll build the APIs needed for our Ember.js front end to build a blazing fast autocomplete search feature.
Reference: | Building Cross Model Search with Ember, Rails, Elasticsearch from our WCG partner Florian Motlik at the Codeship Blog blog. |