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Mapping Salesforce Object fields to Drupal Taxonomy terms

The Salesforce Suite module for Drupal synchronizes Salesforce Objects with Drupal Content Types on a one-to-one, field-to-field basis.

However, it doesn’t map an Object’s fields to a Content Type’s Taxonomy terms. After laying out a use case, I’ll share my working solution.


Let’s say you want to replicate Salesforce Contact Objects as instances of a Drupal Content Type.

The following Object fields map directly to fields in our Content Type.

  • Name
  • LeadSource
  • Email

You could create a Content Type mirroring those as simple text fields. But, I have something more interesting in mind for you!


LeadSource is a Salesforce picklist that might work well as a Drupal Taxonomy. Perhaps you’d like to use it in a faceted search, or as an easy filter for a view, or use some cool module for taxonomies? Sorry, the Salesforce module can’t get you there out of the box.

The Road Taken

In August of 2013, the user mkryemadhi posted a Drupal.org issue titled Mapping drupal vocabulary terms with Salesforce field inquiring whether or not it was possible. A few others replied, also in search of a solution. About a year later, one of the module’s contributors, tauno, replied with a suggestion.

… For pulling, you would need to implement hook_salesforce_pull_entity_value_alter() to use a term name from SF and convert that to a term id in Drupal.

A custom field mapping handler could be implemented to make this all possible from the UI. Moving to the Feature Request queue.

My Solution

Here’s how I used the first part of that advice and implemented hook_salesforce_pull_entity_value_alter() to successfully map Salesforce Object fields to Drupal Taxonomy terms.

To start, I created a custom module with a function implementing the hook. Then, because I had more than one implementation of that kind, I checked the incoming Object type. If it wasn’t Contact, I skipped it. Otherwise, I used the Content Type’s mapped field to obtain the Vocabulary and either create a new term or use the existing one.


To use my solution, you’ll need to:

  • Have a Content Type with a field of type Term reference.
  • Create and enable a custom module containing my code, below.
  • Set up a mapping from the Content Type’s field (“Drupal Field”) using Related entities, as above, to the Object’s field (“Salesforce Field”).

But, first: please note the following:

  • Expect some naive Drupal / PHP mistakes. This is an excerpt from my very first Drupal module / PHP code.
  • This solution hijacks the module’s concept of Related Entity; the way I went about it prevents its original, intended usage. (It’s meant more for referencing a Node from another Node.)
  • I should have used a custom mapping handler and created a proper UI for it.

In the near future I hope to resolve the deficiencies in my implementation and contribute my solution back to Drupal’s Salesforce Suite community.



 * Implementation of hook_salesforce_pull_entity_value_alter()
 * @author Mike Christianson <http://codeaweso.me/2015/04/mapping-salesforce-object-fields-to-drupal-taxonomy-terms/>	
function codeawesome_salesforce_pull_entity_value_alter(&$value, $field_map, $sf_object) {
  $sf_type = $sf_object['attributes']['type'];
  if ($sf_type !== 'Contact') {
  if (is_related_entity($field_map)) {
    handle_related_entity($value, $field_map, $sf_object);

 * @param $field_map
 * @return bool
function is_related_entity($field_map) {
  return $field_map['drupal_field']['fieldmap_type'] == 'related_entity';

 * @param $value
 * @param $field_map
 * @param $sf_object
function handle_related_entity(&$value, $field_map, $sf_object) {
  $field_info_field = get_drupal_field_info($field_map);
  $vocabulary = load_vocabulary($field_info_field);
  if (isset($vocabulary)) {
    $sf_picklist_str = get_sf_field_value($field_map, $sf_object);
    if (!empty($sf_picklist_str)) {
      $sf_picklist_values = explode(SALESFORCE_MAPPING_ARRAY_DELIMITER, $sf_picklist_str);
      $terms = array();
      foreach ($sf_picklist_values as $picklist_value) {
        $term = create_or_load_term($picklist_value, $vocabulary);
        if (isset($term)) {
          $terms[] = $term;
      $value = make_array_of_term_ids($terms);
      if ($field_info_field['cardinality'] == 1) {
        $value = reset($value);

 * @param $field_map
 * @return bool|mixed|void
function get_drupal_field_info($field_map) {
  $druapl_field = get_drupal_field_name($field_map);
  return field_info_field($druapl_field);

 * @param $field_info_field
 * @return mixed
function load_vocabulary($field_info_field) {
  $vocabulary = null;
  $vocabularyName = $field_info_field['settings']['allowed_values'][0]['vocabulary'];
  if (isset($vocabularyName)) {
    $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($vocabularyName);
  return $vocabulary;

function get_sf_field_value($field_map, $sf_object) {
  $sf_field = $field_map['salesforce_field']['name'];
  $sf_value = $sf_object[$sf_field];
  return $sf_value;

 * @param $picklist_value
 * @param $vocabulary
 * @return array|mixed|null
function create_or_load_term($picklist_value, $vocabulary) {
  $term = null;

  if (!empty($picklist_value)) {
    $existing_terms = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($picklist_value, $vocabulary->machine_name);

    if (empty($existing_terms)) {
      $term = create_new_term($vocabulary, $picklist_value);
    } else {
      $term = reset($existing_terms);

  return $term;

 * @param $terms
 * @return array
function make_array_of_term_ids($terms)
  $term_ids = array();
  foreach ($terms as $new_term) {
    $term_ids[] = $new_term->tid;
  return $term_ids;
Reference: Mapping Salesforce Object fields to Drupal Taxonomy terms from our WCG partner Mike Christianson at the CodeAwesome blog.
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8 years ago

Where is the function get_drupal_field_name() ?

Mike Christianson
8 years ago

@Trinity I accidentally left out the `get_drupal_field_name()` function. Unfortunately, I no longer have access to the original codebase and am unable to provide it. If you use a debugger, or use print statements, to inspect `$field_map`, you may be able to come up with your own version of `get_drupal_field_name()`.

See also https://github.com/MikeChristianson/MikeChristianson.github.io/issues/2

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